of a sudden ,in the mid-autumn this is really happy。翻译:今天是中秋节,爸爸带我们去海边赏月。我看见月亮从楼角慢慢上升,好像害羞的小姑娘,升到楼顶时,似乎胆大了,一下子跳了出来,顿时,月光洒满了大地。月亮圆又圆。我们一边赏月,一边吃月饼。快乐的时光一下就过去了,这个中秋真快乐。
What a great festival!中秋节 农历八月十五日是中秋节,在中国它是最重要的传统节日之一。在那一天,人们通常回家与家人团聚,一家人聚在一起饱餐一顿。最流行的食品是月饼,它们圆圆的就像月亮。中秋节晚上的月亮特别地圆。人们都在自家的院子里一边赏月一边吃着可口的月饼。
The Mid Autumn Festival is a traditional festival in China. I like the Mid Autumn Festival best, because I can enjoy the round moon and eat crisp moon cakes.中秋节是我国的传统节日,我最喜欢过中秋节了,因为可以欣赏到圆圆的月亮,还可以吃到又酥又脆的月饼。
it stand for the tuneful of us.纯手工~希望你能够采纳~~~^ ^ 翻译:在这个节日人们经常喜欢吃月饼,和家庭的成员一起赏月,因为这一天的月亮是最圆的。因此也流传了许多关于中秋节奇妙的故事。今天终于到了。我买了些鞭炮和灯笼。
2、中秋节英语作文(一) Mid Autumn Festival is a traditional festival of China。 It used to be as important as Spring Festival 。It is usually celebrated in September or October。 This festival is to celebrate the harvest and to enjoy the beautiful moon light。
3、moonlight sprinkles the full earth immediately.The moon is very round.We enjoy the glorious full moon as well as,eating moon cake.Happy days has go by all of a sudden ,in the mid-autumn this is really happy。翻译:今天是中秋节,爸爸带我们去海边赏月。
中秋节英语作文(一) Mid Autumn Festival is a traditional festival of China。 It used to be as important as Spring Festival 。It is usually celebrated in September or October。 This festival is to celebrate the harvest and to enjoy the beautiful moon light。
Lanterns will be hung in front of the house。中秋节中秋节是中国一个很重要的节日,在八月十五号。在节日来临的前几天,家庭中的每一个人都帮着打扫房子,把房子装扮得漂漂亮亮的,灯笼挂在屋前。On the evening there will be a big family dinner。